Creating Captivating Album Art: A Case Study with Magickd and Scott Zartman

Magickd, a Mumbai-based creative agency specializing in graphic design and video editing, had the privilege to collaborate with music artist Scott Zartman on his album "Make Your Move." This case study delves into the process and approach taken by Magickd to conceptualize and design the album art that perfectly captured the essence of Scott Zartman's music.

1/24/20242 min read


Magickd, a Mumbai-based creative agency known for its expertise in graphic design and video editing, recently had the exciting opportunity to collaborate with music artist Scott Zartman on his album "Make Your Move." This case study explores the process and approach taken by Magickd to conceptualize and design the album art that beautifully captured the essence of Scott Zartman's music.

The Client: Scott Zartman

Scott Zartman is a talented music artist known for his unique blend of soulful melodies and catchy beats. His music resonates with audiences worldwide, and he wanted his album art to reflect the same level of creativity and authenticity.

The Challenge: Creating Captivating Album Art

Magickd understood the importance of album art in capturing the attention of potential listeners and conveying the artist's message. The challenge was to create album art that not only visually appealed to Scott's target audience but also encapsulated the emotions and themes conveyed in his music.

The Approach: Collaboration and Creativity

Magickd believes in the power of collaboration and creativity. They started the project by conducting several brainstorming sessions with Scott Zartman to understand his vision, musical style, and the emotions he wanted to convey through his album.

During these sessions, Magickd's team of designers and artists actively listened to Scott's music and discussed various visual elements that could complement his sound. They explored different concepts, color palettes, and typography styles to find the perfect combination that would resonate with Scott's target audience.

Once the initial concept was decided, Magickd's designers began sketching and creating mockups to bring the album art to life. They experimented with different design elements, such as illustrations, photographs, and textures, to create a visually striking and cohesive composition.

The Design: Capturing the Essence of the Music

Magickd aimed to create album art that not only caught the eye but also conveyed the emotions and themes present in Scott Zartman's music. They wanted the design to be a visual representation of the soulful melodies and catchy beats that defined his sound.

The final album art design featured a captivating combination of vibrant colors, abstract illustrations, and bold typography. The colors were carefully chosen to evoke the desired emotions and create a sense of energy and movement.

The abstract illustrations used in the design were inspired by the music itself. Magickd's designers listened to Scott's songs repeatedly, allowing the melodies and lyrics to guide their creative process. They translated the emotions and imagery evoked by the music into visually compelling illustrations that added depth and meaning to the album art.

The typography was another crucial element in the design. Magickd experimented with different fonts and styles to find the perfect balance between legibility and visual impact. The chosen typography enhanced the overall aesthetic and complemented the music's vibe.

The Result: A Perfect Visual Representation

The collaboration between Magickd and Scott Zartman resulted in album art that perfectly captured the essence of his music. The vibrant colors, abstract illustrations, and bold typography all worked together harmoniously to create a visually striking representation of Scott's sound.

The album art not only caught the attention of Scott's target audience but also conveyed the emotions and themes present in his music. It became a visual representation of the soulful melodies and catchy beats that defined his unique style.


Magickd's collaboration with Scott Zartman on his album "Make Your Move" showcases the power of creativity and collaboration in the world of graphic design. By actively listening to the artist's music and understanding his vision, Magickd was able to create album art that not only visually appealed to the target audience but also captured the essence of the music.

This case study highlights the importance of thoughtful collaboration, experimentation, and attention to detail in creating captivating album art. It serves as a testament to the impact that well-designed album art can have in attracting listeners and conveying the artist's message.