Premium Menu Design for Desi Momos Cafe

Magickd Services developed a design concept that would meet the expectations of Desi Momos Cafe. The concept aimed to strike a balance between the premium feel and the vibrant atmosphere of the restaurant.

2/20/20243 min read


In this case study, we will explore the process of designing a premium menu for Desi Momos Cafe, a popular restaurant located in Kolkata, India. The cafe approached Magickd Services, a renowned design agency, with a specific requirement for a menu design that reflected its brand identity and incorporated the colors black and yellow.

Understanding the Client's Needs

Magickd Services began the project by conducting a thorough consultation with Desi Momos Cafe to gain a comprehensive understanding of their vision and requirements. The primary objective was to create a premium menu design that would enhance the overall dining experience for their customers.

Desi Momos Cafe emphasized its desire for a sleek and sophisticated design that would align with its brand image. They specifically requested the use of black and yellow colors to reflect the vibrant and energetic atmosphere of their restaurant.

Research and Inspiration

Before diving into the design process, Magickd Services conducted extensive research on menu designs, particularly focusing on premium and upscale restaurants. This research helped the design team identify current trends, gather inspiration, and understand the best practices in menu design.

Additionally, the team explored various color combinations and their psychological impact on customers. They discovered that black and yellow when used appropriately, could convey a sense of elegance, energy, and excitement, which perfectly aligned with Desi Momos Cafe's desired brand image.

Design Concept and Execution

Based on the research and the client's requirements, Magickd Services developed a design concept that would meet the expectations of Desi Momos Cafe. The concept aimed to strike a balance between the premium feel and the vibrant atmosphere of the restaurant.

The design team chose a clean and minimalist layout to ensure readability and ease of navigation. They incorporated the black and yellow color scheme in a way that enhanced the overall visual appeal without overwhelming the menu's content.

To create a premium look, the team utilized high-quality images of the restaurant's signature dishes and beverages. These images were strategically placed throughout the menu to entice customers and showcase the cafe's offerings.

In addition to the visuals, the typography played a crucial role in the design. Magickd Services selected elegant and modern fonts that complemented the overall aesthetic and improved readability. They also used appropriate font sizes and spacing to ensure a comfortable reading experience for customers of all ages.

Iterative Design Process

Throughout the design process, Magickd Services maintained a collaborative approach with Desi Momos Cafe. They regularly shared design iterations and gathered feedback to ensure that the final product aligned with the client's vision.

The iterative process allowed the team to make necessary adjustments and fine-tune the menu design based on the client's preferences. It also ensured that the final design was a true reflection of Desi Momos Cafe's brand identity and met its customers' expectations.

Final Outcome and Impact

After several rounds of revisions and refinements, Magickd Services successfully delivered the premium menu design to Desi Momos Cafe. The outcome exceeded the client's expectations and perfectly captured the essence of the restaurant's brand.

The new menu design enhanced the overall dining experience for Desi Momos Cafe's customers. The combination of the sleek layout, black and yellow color scheme, high-quality visuals, and elegant typography created a visually appealing and user-friendly menu.

As a result of the new menu design, Desi Momos Cafe experienced an increase in customer engagement and satisfaction. The visually enticing menu attracted more attention, leading to higher sales and a positive impact on the restaurant's overall brand image.


The case study of designing a premium menu for Desi Momos Cafe highlights the importance of understanding the client's needs, conducting thorough research, and maintaining a collaborative approach throughout the design process.

By incorporating the desired black and yellow color scheme and utilizing a clean and minimalist layout, Magickd Services successfully created a premium menu design that aligned with the restaurant's brand identity and enhanced the overall dining experience for its customers.

Through effective communication and iterative design, Magickd Services delivered a final product that exceeded Desi Momos Cafe's expectations and positively impacted their business. The premium menu design played a crucial role in attracting customers, increasing sales, and elevating the restaurant's brand image.